简介:这部系列纪录片将对在公海上捕鱼的拖网渔船进行跟踪拍摄。拖网渔船的船长为了满载而归,并让自己和船员赚取更高的收入会进行各种疯狂的海上冒险。我们的摄制组将登上这些拖网渔船,对他们在公海上的捕鱼过程进行跟踪记录。这些精彩的故事发生在近80平方公里的海面上,每集节目都会讲述这些拖网渔船在大西洋和英吉利海峡等海域经历的漫长而艰难的一周,通过不同拖网渔船的场景切换,我们可以看到它们遭遇的不同命运。每条拖网渔船一次出海只有7天时间来追逐鱼群,并实现自己的财务目标。阿德尼亚号试图为挪威的一位买家捕到1000吨鲭鱼,并赚取100万英镑,而海洋骄子号必须在沉船周围撒网才能有所收获。每艘拖网渔船都面临着各自的挑战,包括生疏的新船员、猛烈的风暴和其他船只的竞争。 制作:Frank Films Television Ltd
简介:Dogs 101 is a show that airs on Animal Planet. It is centered on dogs and what they are like. Dogs 101 features 6 breeds (expanded from 5 during the first two seasons) of dogs per episode. This show explains each breed of dog and features opinions by experts ranging from trainers to groomers to veterinarians. The show was made for people who wanted a dog but didn't know which b...
简介:根号航空母舰(USS Ronald Reagan CVN-76)是美国尼米兹级核动力航空母舰的九号舰,也是美国在进入21世纪以后第一艘成军的航空母舰。2001年时完工下水的里根号是以美国第40任总统罗纳德·里根为名,里根总统是带领美国结束冷战时期、非常受美国人民爱戴的国家领袖,也是第一位本人还在世时就被拿来替军舰命名的前美国总统。不过由于新舰下水时里根本人因病无法参加仪式,因此是由前第一夫人萳西·里根代表出席,里根本人则在航舰正式服役后隔年与世长辞,享年93岁。
主演:露西·沃斯利 乔·卡梅隆·布朗 Emily Bowker Alice Saunders Mary Conlon Richard Gowen Emily Swain Roger Nye Andrew James Gordon 杰米·朗兰兹 Karin Hranicka Laura Way Alouette Hill Martha Bond Steve Langley 莎拉·菲尔普斯 露丝·韦尔 Kate Mosse 凯特·艾蒂 Edgar Jones
简介:From the razor sharp teeth of the great white shark, to the lightning fast strike of a black mamba, we explore some of the most dangerous animals known to man. While some use their overwhelming strength to overpower enemies, others use lethal venom. This is the story of attack and defend, predator and prey, and the urge to kill or be killed.
简介:美国人前所未有的将头一次有机会以高清模式从空中鸟瞰他们的国家。这个多集系列片将从空中展示北美大陆的华丽风光。一举掠过加州的赫斯特古堡,环绕闻名已久的恶魔岛监狱(勇闯夺命岛),低空穿越举世闻名的金门大桥。观看北美灰熊在阿拉斯加的河流中捕食蛤蜊,掠过山脊欣赏北美大陆最大的火山之一。这一系列片将每一个州的绚丽多彩的壮观场面尽收镜头之中。 让我们展开一段扣人心弦的穿越美国的空中之旅。这一史诗般的系列片将引领我们从令人惊叹的高空一览美国最宝贵的地标。从繁忙的城市景观到恬静的乡村风光,我们捕捉美国这个惊人的国度中丰富多样的历史盛况,正如同生存于这个国家中的多样的种族。 航拍美国第一季共25集,通过高科技高清航拍的唯美方式展现了美国的以下25个州之华丽风景(按照每集顺序列出): California Hawaii Virginia Connecticut Tenn...
简介:DEADLIEST JOB INTERVIEW will spotlight eight of the most extreme and perilous professions in the world. Told from the perspective of the rookies, or "greenhorns," DEADLIEST JOB INTERVIEW will follow these tough men and women as they enter the workforce of eight dangerous jobs, as they risk everything to secure a highly challenging - and dangerous - position. This six episode se...
简介:With breath-taking CGI, beautiful landscape footage and some of the world's most important astronomical artefacts, Ancient Skies looks at the cosmos through the eyes of our ancestors, and our changing views of the cosmos throughout history.
简介:由英国广播公司(BBC)精心打造、全高清钜制的大自然生态纪录片《万里傲翔》。拍摄时间超过三年,跨越地球六大洲,包括南美洲、北美洲、非洲、欧洲、亚洲及澳洲,超过四十个国家。摄制队采用了尖端的摄影器材,糅合新颖的拍摄手法,甚至把轻型摄录机挂在候鸟颈项上拍摄,由候鸟们亲自领航,带大家翱翔万里,横跨海洋和陆洲,进入候鸟与大自然的奇妙世界 。节目更被英国《泰晤士报》赞誉为「令人惊艳」之作。 第1集 North America 摄制队首站来到北美洲。一群雪雁迁徙时,不幸遇上来势汹汹的猎食者 - 美国国鸟秃鹰。雪雁马上成群结队,合力对抗凶猛的敌人。但前面还有更严峻的考验—要飞越航道狭窄的美国大峡谷,及抵抗急湍的气流。 在加洲,鹈鹕(又称塘鹅)在海面飞翔,魔鬼鱼正在畅泳,岸边的银汉鱼则准备产卵;在阿拉斯加,一群啡熊在河边捕食三文鱼,秃鹰看准目标,飞过啡熊抢夺鱼获。在...
简介:Since the creation of currency, money has made the world go round and people have done anything and everything in their power to get their hands on a lot of it, including formulating some of the most devious and high-stakes heist attempts of all time. Using dramatic recreations, dynamic storytelling and cutting-edge visual effects, alongside first-person witness accounts from t...
简介:Since the creation of currency, money has made the world go round and people have done anything and everything in their power to get their hands on a lot of it, including formulating some of the most devious and high-stakes heist attempts of all time. Using dramatic recreations, dynamic storytelling and cutting-edge visual effects, alongside first-person witness accounts from t...
简介:Featuring groundbreaking new science, experiments and leading scientists from a variety of disciplines, the series unravels the natural history of the body's largest organ.
简介:Featuring groundbreaking new science, experiments and leading scientists from a variety of disciplines, the series unravels the natural history of the body's largest organ.
简介:HMS Queen Elizabeth is the largest and most advanced warship ever constructed in Britain. This three-part series for BBC Two follows the ultra-modern super aircraft carrier as she is taken to sea for the first time on gruelling and risky sea trials that push ship and crew to breaking point. Taking viewers on an epic voyage of discovery, from construction in the building yard to...